NIBC Bank N.V. is a corporate bank in the Netherlands. Its activities range from debt and equity mezzanine, mergers & acquisitions, capitalisation advisory to leveraged and structured finance. The consumer banking activities comprise residential mortgages and online savings accounts through NIBC Direct in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. NIBC is owned by a consortium of international financial institutions organised by J.C. Flowers & Co LLC. NIBC has offices in The Hague, Frankfurt, London and Brussels. NIBC Bank is the fifth-largest bank in the Netherlands in terms of total assets.
For every transaction NIBC puts together a hand-picked cross-discipline team from their Merchant Banking and Specialised Finance divisions. Merchant Banking offers a combination of advice, financing and co-investment in the Benelux and Germany. Specialised Finance has an international sector focus and operates in shipping, oil & gas services, infrastructure & renewables and real estate. It also offers residential mortgages and online retail saving deposits via NIBC Direct in the Netherlands and Germany.
For NIBC TYPO3 was the right choice, as its multilanguage capability allows easily operating a website meant for visitors from different countries. Using extensions like "news" the NIBC website is a clean and pleasant information portal for their customers.