At the request of many of our ELTS customers, we evaluated a continuation of ELTS 7.6 and have decided to extend ELTS 7.6 by another year (December 1, 2021 to November 30, 2022) making that a total of four years!
Plans for ELTS 7.6 year 4 are now available in the official TYPO3 online shop!
Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) is currently available for TYPO3 CMS versions 7.6 and 8.7. Since free community support for these versions has expired, free updates are no longer available. It would help if you either upgrade to a supported version or order ELTS. Otherwise, you risk the following:
You can find specific information about ELTS for your TYPO3 version on our detail pages. These detail pages include information on the supported PHP version and updates delivered since LTS ended.
When a new TYPO3 version comes out, regular support lasts three years. It can make business sense for some organizations to put off an expensive upgrade for three more years. Their current website is still generating revenue, or because they need longer to prepare for an upgrade. In the meantime, ELTS extends the life of an unsupported TYPO3 version and guarantees:
It can also deliver cost savings. An upgrade to a new major version costs on average 20% of the initial investment, while a total of six years’ support adds just *€5.100 to your TYPO3 maintenance costs.
(* Price calculated using a three-year Single Plan.)
Votre site web est donc toujours utile pour vos utilisateurs, mais la feuille de route TYPO3 montre que le support communautaire gratuit pour votre version actuelle de TYPO3 est épuisée ? Vous voudrez peut-être reporter la mise à jour pour vous donner plus de temps pour vous préparer, parce que votre organisation a un cycle de planification plus long, ou parce que vous préférez ajouter des fonctionnalités à votre site web existant. Quelle que soit votre motivation : lorsque le support communautaire prendra fin, l'ELTS pourra vous offrir trois années supplémentaires de sécurité, de conformité et de compatibilité.
Avec l'ELTS, vous pouvez bénéficier d'un total de 6 ans de support par version majeure :