All about TYPO3 v9.5 ELTS

Community-provided, free long-term support for TYPO3 v9.5 expired in September of 2021. Since then TYPO3 GmbH has offered Extended Long-Term Support to keep your website secure and running smoothly.

About TYPO3 v9

TYPO3 has always been known to be technically mature, robust, secure, and jam-packed with amazing enterprise features. This major release of TYPO3 came with countless new highlights and showed once again that the well-known content management system is well-positioned at the forefront of the open source software development.
Here are the feature highlights of TYPO3 9.5 at a glance:

  • Performance improvements
  • Speaking URLs
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Site management and Site configuration improvements
  • Redirects functionality
  • Backend changes to the page tree and modal popups
  • Improvements to the Install Tool and Admin panel
  • Conditional variants for form elements
  • Added General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Security hardening through files stored outside web root
  • No more plain text or MD5 hashed passwords
  • Database table creation simplified
  • Context API PSR-3, PSR-7 and PSR-15 Standards
  • Added Feature toggles
  • Added Symfony ExpressionLanguage component
  • Added Mail Queue (SwiftMailer)
  • Added SQLite support
  • Made upgrading TYPO3 sites easier

How long TYPO3 ELTS 9.5 is available

The TYPO3 core team announced “TYPO3 v9 End of Free Support Announcement” on September 30, 2021. Soon after, TYPO3 9.5 ELTS was launched in October of 2021, promising another three years of support. 

TYPO3 9.5 ELTS will keep you covered until September 2024.