Multilanguage Responsive Website Relaunch

"Dental Milestones Guaranteed – For over 50 years, in more than 90 countries."

Multilanguage Responsive Website Relaunch

About DMG Chemisch-Pharmazeutische Fabrik GmbH

Our customer DMG Chemisch-Pharmazeutische Fabrik GmbH has been making daily work easier for dentists for over 50 years, in more than 90 countries, with innovative branded products “made in Germany”. Today, around 370 employees at DMG are committed to supporting dentists and dental laboratories worldwide with high-quality branded products.

The requirement

In the course of a responsive relaunch based on the TYPO3 content management system, the customer's website was to be technically revised and extended to include a product database. The new site only went live for DACH at first, more countries followed successively, currently 9 are implemented, 5 more will follow. Furthermore was the desire for a search function for the field service side after postal code, an integrated small Shop solution and an on-line Academy.


The solution

An integrated product database allows and facilitates data maintenance directly in the TYPO3 Content Management System, automatically categorizing the products and thus minimizing the time factor. With the Icon Info Shop dentists can order information brochures directly on the website, which provide the necessary information for dispatch by means of a generated e-mail. In addition, a small shop for ordering selected DMG products was made available via Formhandler. Special attention is paid to the DMG Online Academy. The DMG Online Academy is an e-learning platform for DMG sales partners with the objective of improving worldwide support and training sales with sales-relevant knowledge about DMG products. Upon successful completion, participants receive a certificate.


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